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Dom Pedro I Highway, km 84.6 - Marginal Highway (direction Campinas)


Learn more about us:


Founded by Ademar Louzada and Maria Rita Varis Louzada, Spel (Sistema Paulista de Embalagens Limitada) starts its journey by outsourcing the production of polyethylene packagings and producing handmade cellophane bags for mortadella. The company had only six employees at the time, and the small machines used were made or adapted by Mr. Ademar Louzada himself. The production was almost fully artisanal and the small business fit inside a two-story house at Tapaiuna Street, Jardim Santa Maria, São Paulo.


The family-owned business started slowly expanding, moving to a slightly bigger two-story house in Pasteur Avenue, Vila Dalila, São Paulo, where it remained for ten years. During that time, with all associates and family members actively involved in the production line, the first extruder machines were acquired, and Spel started also selling plastic casings for processed meats.


With 16 employees, the acquisition of the first Flexographic Printer for polyethylene packagings sped up the company’s growth rate, and the year after that Spel bought its first co extruder. Thus, the company was introduced into the market for vacuum packagings and started making a name for itself.



Spel then moves to a factory site in Forte Cananéia Street, in the São Lourenço industrial park, São Matheus, São Paulo, SP. There, the company establishes itself in the industry, and, from this point onwards, Spel invested in equipments, technologies, and people, becoming a big name in the market.


A big technological upgrade revolutionizes the business. The first machines for producing heat-shrinking plastic casings for processed meats is acquired. Suck ground-breaking technology still is, nowadays, considered cutting-edge technology in the business. At that point, a branch was founded and Spel started operating in two separate sites, which brought excellency of service to previous and new customers and partners. In no time Spel started selling internationally, and the company expanded considerably.


The growth of the company becomes restricted by the logistics and lack of physical space. The founders, therefore, decide to unify all operations onto a single factory plant that could fit the increased demands for space and all the routines and facilities required by the BPF (Boas Práticas de Fabricação). BPF are a set of laws implemented and regulated by Brazil’s governamental National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA - Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) that concern the production, storage and distribution of food and health related items. Thus a new terrain is bought, and the construction of a new factory in the city of Atibaia, São Paulo, begins.


The structure and people move into the new facility and new technological equipment is acquired. Headquarters and branch finally unified in an especially built site have the company at its largest, with now 130 employees.


In the current site for eight years, we are always looking into new technologies to bring varied and current solutions to our customers, our most valuable asset in all 38 years of history. We aim to become the best maker of flexible, plastic packagings in Latin America by bringing commitment and innovation whilst maintaining our beliefs and values..

© 2020 Spel Embalagens.

Fábrica - Marginal da Rodovia D. Pedro I
km 84,6 - Atibaia/SP - Brasil
CEP: 12954-260
Tel: 55 11 4260-1667


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